PA-SAK-CHON-LASIT DAM is a project to develop the PASAK river dew to his majesty the king of Thailand BHUMIPON ADULYADET. It is a sickly clay soi core to keep water for irrigation purposes.The dam is 4,860 meters in length and can keep the water for about 785 million sqm. at 42 meters height from the sea level .The area are cover PATTANANIKOM district,TA LUANG district ,and WANG MUANG district in SARABURI province .The dam began to to store water since 1998 .The interesting for the visitor are such a beautiful and nice spot to see the view from the top of the DAM ,the museum of Pasak river which is keep special items from the past up to the present most of the items are related about natural and culture in the area of the DAM and nearby ,include the learning center for the visitor .There are a rail road running through the DAM so that the visitor who take the train can see and enjoy the beautiful scenery .Interesting visitors can contact the office of PASAK DAM for more information at phone (036) 494031 - 4
How to get to PASAK DAM

From Lopburi ,take the road LOPBURI-KOKTOOM and PATTANANIKOM Line highway no.3017 ,the distance is 48 KM.There are a public small bus services from LOPBURI to WANG MUANG district which is pass the front of the DAM .The small bus will depart Lopburi bus transportation between 06.00 - 17.30 ,moreover there is a special train for the visitors who want to visit the DAM which is run from BANGKOK-PASAK DAM in every weekend and the government holiday .The train will depart from Bangkok at HUA LAM PONG station at 07.30 and get to PASAK DAM at 12.00 and depart from PASAK DAM at 14.40 and get to BKK. at 18.00 .The ticket is 200 baht each for more information contact(02) 220-4334 hotline 1690 or