There are about 749,826 people in Lopburi which is most of them are Buddhist 95% and the rest are Muslim and christian
The area of Lopburi is about 6,641.859 which is the 37th largest of the country.
The major areas of Lopburi is a land for agriculture like sugar cane ,and sunflower .
About the sunflower is a plant that is grow in a hot weather and need less water and take care .The gardener will pick the sunflower's seed for the industry of oil for the consumer market both in the country and oversea export.

The largest sunflower field in Thailand is located in Tambon Chong Sarika, Phatthana Nikom District. The panoramic sunflower field has become Lop Buri's major tourist attraction especially during November to January when they are in full bloom. To travel from Bangkok, drive along the Lop Buri-Saraburi Road for approximately 30 kilometers, then turn left into Highway No. 21 and proceed for another 15 kilometers. Traveling from Lop Buri town center, the sunflower field is located approximately 45 kilometers from the town.